Files Bot
FilesBot let you share your files with everyone with just a link.
/start FILEID – Get a file by id.
/upload – Start your file upload.
/delete – Choose one of your files to delete it.
/list – Show a list of your shared files.

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16/02/2016lookie here
17/03/2016send to my email that bot file. i really need it.
23/08/2016It would be great if there was a command for uploading files from a link and bot send it as a file in telegram.
12/10/2016There is a bot to upload with a link files ti telegram
Use the command “/dl” after it your download link
There is just 50 MB limit for maximum size of file in the download link though.and the download link should be open,meaning that sites like rapidshare creating download link for your ip address won’t work with this bot or anyother bot since their ip is different from you
25/09/2016hi if u want know another bot here u can earn up to 4%!
نرم افزار پخش مویرگی
04/10/2016has it size limit?
15/03/2017I want to use telegram bots for downloading file from links, not uploading. is it possible?