Game Bot
GameBot allows to play a bunch of games (tictactoe , tictacbot, ihangman, uhangman, imastermind, umastermind, uguessnum, iguessnum).
/help – Show this list of commands
/play – Start playing a game with me
/end – Stop the current game
/games – see a list of games I know
/stat – see your game statistics
/rand – use my inner-randomness to get a number between [1 & N]
/dev – to leave a message for my father(developer)
tictactoe -> just Tic-Tac-Toe a.k.a. noughts & crosses a.k.a X & O
tictacbot -> a Tic-Tac-Toe that you can NEVER beat me in. don’t even try…
ihangman -> I choose a word, you try to find it by guessing letters
uhangman – >You choose a word, I try to find it by guessing letters
imastermind -> a.k.a. cows and bulls, 4 digit code breaking, you break my code
umastermind -> {Coming Soon} a.k.a. cows and bulls, 4 digit code breaking, I break your code
uguessnum -> You pick a number and I will try to find it
iguessnum -> I pick a number and you should try to find it

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