RollGram Bot
RollGramBot aimed at RPGs. It can save custom rolls and roll them by name for your convenience.
/help – Show this message.
/register – Register to start using the bot and save your custom rolls.
===== d20 Rolls =====
/qroll – Quick roll without saving a custom roll
↳usage: “/qroll 1d4+1”
/save – Save a custom roll
↳usage “/save magicmissile 1d4+1”
/roll – Roll a previously saved custom roll, optionally repeat
↳usage: “/roll magicmissile”
↳usage: “/roll magicmissile 5”
/show – Show saved rolls
↳usage: “/show”
/delete – Delete a saved roll
↳usage: “/delete magicmissile”
===== World of Darkness Rolls ===== – If you need some help.
/wodsave – Save a custom roll, with dice pool and difficulty, in that order
↳usage: “/wodsave attack 6 5”
/wod – Roll a previously saved custom roll or an unsaved roll
↳usage: “/wod attack”
↳usage: “/wod 6 5”
/wodshow – Show saved rolls
↳usage: “/wodshow”
/woddelete – Delete a saved roll
↳usage: “/woddelete attack”
Created by Kickdrum.

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27/09/2015Hi there. I tried using this bot but I get no answer from it. I’ve tried every command and it just doesn’t work. What could I be doing wrong?
Bots 4 Telegram
06/10/2015Hi Sleid, maybe the boy you were trying to manage was down… just keep calm and try again later on. Bots are done by regular users (most of them) and servers are not powerful enough. Thanks for reply 😉
I love this bot! It’s a useful tool for players who want to play by Telegram!
Can you add Fudge Dice to the Rolls too? Or at least a D6 – D6 script to simulate it?
Thanks for the bot!
Marco Aurelio
24/05/2016Watts?? I can not get more results bot. what happened?
27/08/2016The bot doesn’t work in super groups, only in regular ones. Please update.
31/08/2016no answer from service
Thiago Meireles
31/08/2016Seems not working
Matias Acosta
06/09/2016The bot is not working.
19/11/2016Suggestion: if no number for the amount of dice is provided, it should default to 1 instead of 0.
Eg: d20+3 right now rolls 0d20+3. 1d20+3 would make more sense.
Thiago Meireles
30/11/2016Not working, again.