Translate Bot
Translate Bot translates any text to any language.
/translate_to – Set the language that is being translated text (default: english). Example: /translate_to en
/languages – list available languages
/current_lang – Current language translate to
/translate_this lang some text – Translate ‘some text’ to language ‘lang’
/tt – Do the same that /translate_this
/feedback – Send us your feedback about the @Translate_Bot
/changelog – Last bot changes.
/auto_translate – Enable/Disable auto translate for all incoming messages. Example: “/auto_translate on”.
It is a Telegram version of inTranslation iOS app ( )

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Hyalite Zerfass
30/06/2016Topical quality content in the form of graphics, quotes, stickers, poetry, short stories, video links, tutorials and life hacks, WikiHow walkthroughs, selected books from various authors and expositions.
This week’s topic: stress
Jaroslav Mixa
23/08/2016Dear @Translate_Bot team.
Could you add feature to translate only messages I want?
I am unable to translate allready writen text. In SKYPE I am able to do that.
This would be nice feature to right click on text and translate it.
Shafiqullah Khan
28/12/2016Translate bot is broken
* Can’t set language to Russian with /translate_to ru command.
* can translate anything with /tt ru some text or /translate_this ru some text.
Same thing applies to en and other languages I tried.
Bot did not return errors past a simple no response.
Sibi Yem yez
01/05/2017Nice bot thanks for creating this bot
16/05/2017Is there a way for multiple translation?
Example: text 1>Russian
Text 2>greman
Text 3>Spanish
Translating all 3 text to one language like english.
The auto translate on feature does not work.