Weather Bot
WeatherBot gets you weather forecast for the city you like.
/weather CITY,COUNTRY – Get a 3-day weather forecast for a city.
/current CITY,COUNTRY – Get the current weather of a city.
Send a location – Get the forecast for it.

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26/02/2016I added the@weatherbot but I can’t to erase three cities i had added..
How can I do that?
Come scaricare musica sul PC o sul cellulare con Telegram
27/06/2016[…] recente, ne esistono già di diversi tipi: da quelli che forniscono informazioni meteo, come WeatherBot e WeatherMan, fino a quelli programmati per ricevere le ordinazioni a domicilio, come il GennaRobot […]
Does Your Blog Already Has A Chat Bot? | Adwords Marketing for Business
29/08/2016[…] instance, there is a Weather Bot for Telegram. You just need to send a location (city/country) to it and it will instantly reply with the 3-day […]
Does Your Blog Already Has A Chat Bot? – Ethan Meikle's Blog
29/08/2016[…] instance, there is a Weather Bot for Telegram. You just need to send a location (city/country) to it and it will instantly reply with the 3-day […]
The Real Value of Chatbots (Part 1) | IHEXBOT
05/09/2017[…] events and the news — basically everything you need to know from the Internet. Examples include Telegram’s weather bot and CNN’s chatbot for […]